Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My sleeping beauty:

Hi!!!!! Things are going pretty smoothly around here. Ezekiel is sleeping most of the time & his main awake time is from 10pm-midnight. This is a great time for us b/c we're ALL still awake. Including Justus. Sometimes J will go down at 11 and then we can have "baby time" and Justus doesn't have to compete for attention.

All in all Justus has done great with the baby. Today I was starting a load of clothes & Zeke started crying. Justus picked up the bottle & started feeding him. Zeke of course got a milk bath but it was so sweet! I snuck a picture real quick but I haven't put it on the computer yet.

This weekend went to a decade/birthday party. It was SOOOOO much fun. I mainly watched everyone & Sam ended up being the DJ. Here is a picture of our pastors; they're so cute!!!!! I took a short video on my camera but I'm not sure how to put it up.


Vickie said...

Hey Tiffani! Go to and you can download your video to get your html for your blog and or xanga. Crystal taught me that!! hahahahaha

GORGEOUS baby by the way!!

dana said...

He looks like J in that picture.

Nicole said...

he's sooooo tiny and precious!!! i need to keep having more just so they stay soooo tiny!!!

prftpeace said...

He is so precious!