Thursday, September 14, 2006

Digging deep

So I gave in and had Sam start me a myspace. I'm not really a big fan but lots of former aquaintences are there that I just wanted to say hey to. Anyways I was doing a few updates on it after devotion time (yeah; I'm doing a little better) & I shared a little.

For the longest time I had a hard time reading the bible. I would read but it would seem like a blank page that no matter how many times I read it nothing sank in. Lately there has been a stirring in my spirit. And the word has come alive! Thank you God for hearing me!

So when I'm up with lil bit I pray, if I can't sleep I try to think of my future. And when the boys are napping I take time for devotions. Can I say RENEWAL?!!!!!!!! This also corelates(sp) with stirring in our congregation at church. There is a sense of urgency to repent. And a hunger for closer relationship with God.

Here was my devo for the day:

Out of my mind!

If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 2 Cor. 5:13

God's spirit has been moving in a great way lately. And one thing has become quite clear. God desires relationship with his people & he won't tolerate sin. Sin has become so commonplace that people think we're 'out of our minds' when we: pray for miracles & answers, save sex for marriage, forgive rather than seeking revenge. And the list goes on.

So, if we're going to be 'out of our minds' lets do it for God. Keeping in mind there is a right & wrong way to do it. Live a life pleasing to God. Spend time with him learning his ways & letting go of our own.