Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cobb webs...

My mind is full of them right now & it's hard to think entirely straight but I will try for just a moment. A few fun things have been happening in the midst of my fuzzyness.

#1 God has totally blessed us! When Sam & I got married we bought a car for 1000 bucks & it's lasted for six years. The poor thing has been all up & down the east coast. Even to Texas & Ohio! Well, its still running but on it's last leg. So, I'll just blirt it out---someone gave a minivan!!!!!!! Yes, it needs a little TLC & maintenance upgrades but it was FREE!!!!!!! How awesome is that??!!!!!!!!!!!!

#2 Windex works: Ever seen the commercial where the bird flies into the sliding glass doors??? Well that happened yesterday. Only the bird didn't fly off it fell into my house two feet away from a sleeping ZEKE. For a moment I almost panicked but then I grabbed the skimmer from our pool & gently pulled the thing out of the house. He must have been dazed still. As soon as he got a breath of fresh air he flew away. YEA---we're all safe.

#3 Allergies are at full blast. I woke up with a nice little headache this AM. Zeke had nice boogies & J has the black eyed (circle under his eyes) look. Plus when I talked with Staci yesterday she & Chloe weren't feeling all that hot...allergy related as well.

#4 Went to get an FLU shot for the boys. Sam & I were the only ones who walked away with them. The one they had gotten that day wasn't for 4 & under. HUM, would have been nice to know before dragging the family to the sick room at the doctors office!!!!!!!!!!

#5 I've been doing some spring cleaning. Yes, it's fall. And no, I'm not pregnant. We just have TOO MUCH STUFF! I find myself throwing things away when the boys aren't looking. And by boys I mean Sam & Justus. They both seem to have the "I need it" mentallity. I have the get rid of it mentality. Poor guys.

#6 Justus makes me laugh, like hold my side LOL kind of laugh. And Zeke puts a smile on my face every day. Man, I'm blessed! And Sam, well he's just good to me! He came home early from work yesterday. Told me to go get a shower. While I was doing that he packed a picnic lunch & got the boys dressed. He took us to the park. We had a blast. I needed a day out of the house. So thoughtful!

#7 So this one isn't so fun but I'll still share. I'm gaining weight & my hair is falling out. This is exactly what happened after I had Justus but with J it happened much faster. I thought that I had avoided it but alas I have not. I am walking on the treadmill 4-5 times a week but haven't seen much physical results yet. My legs are a little trimmer. Anyways, it feels good to do something for myself so I will continue.

#8 Justus has started calling me mommy again. I love it. I've been momma for almost a year now. Wierd huh???


dana said...

Sounds busy!! I love mama, we never used mommy. But lately my kids have either called me mom or Dana! I guess the bright side is they know my name if they ever get lost they can tell someone my name. (the glass is half full outlook) You guys are dealing with allergies? We had that about 2 months ago with both kids, but today (october 12th) it snowed... go check my blog!! It is so cold, and yucky.

Jamie said...

I have been Mother latley. I don't like that. It sounds like you're busy! And horray for a free mini van!!

Nicole said...

I really enjoyed reading your post.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk to you Saturday... but I had a great time regardless of the outcome of the game.

I'm momma... I like mommy but I don't think I've tried to have any of the kids call me mommy... hmmm.

I love you guys and can't wait to see you!!!!

Amy said...

YEAH for the mini van! That's awesome!
As for the allergies, I can totally relate. My husband and I both sneeze and blow our noses constantly! I don't remember my allergies being nearly as bad in SC.
I remember going through stages of calling my mom: mom, mother, mama, mommy and (the one she hated) ma. LOL. 'Mommy' is so sweet!