Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Let's play catch-up

First of all here are a few pics of my niece. She turned four this weekend. She got mad because her brother was 'tasting' her lipgloss I bought for her while we were putting some on. My mom made the poncho & the hat/scarf out of some yarn I found at Walmart. I think these bright colors look fantastic on her! Brie can be very onery (sp) sometimes but she is my buddy! I hope that someday I will have a little girl of my own but for now I will enjoy my niece!

The boys have been very fiesty this week and I want to pull my head out. Oops, I mean hair out! Justus BIT Ezekiel and I had to count to ten over & over again while trying not to blow a gasket! J has never actually bit anyone not even when he was teething!

Justus is also potty training this week- he( and I) has been to the bathroom twenty thousand times yesterday & today. He can reach the toilet standing up & not miss. But when it comes time to sit & poop it's not so good! I've cleaned the bathroom several times today. But I think a little insanity now will save me more than thirty dollars a month once we get the routine down.

Zeke aka 'little grinch' is teething this week & one of the top teeth is bothering him pretty bad. I need earplugs & it's time for some tylenol for him.

Other happenings- I started reading the book that Staci gave me for Christmas. Page two was good...when will I get to page three? It's called Queen of the Castle. And I feel anything but royalty but a few seconds of reading is very theraputic (sp) for me so its nice!

Sam wants to play basketball in the church legeau (sp) but there just isn't any extra time at this point. He's been pouting all week trying to figure out a way that he can do it. I feel sorry for him but neither of us can come up with a good solution.....maybe next year?

Also we might sell our blue car. This thing has been wonderful to us and we are hestitant to let it go but in reality it's on it's last leg & we can't put much more into it. In the back of my mind I want to keep so we'll have a second car when we need it but who know when/if that will happen.

I also want to let you know that I have been keeping up with your blogs but had little time to leave comments. Yes, I know that that's the best part of this whole deal. Communication between took me SEVERAL tries to even post this one. So, I am reading!!!!! And try to comment now & then.

This is all I have time for but there is LOTS I'd love to let you in on but I got to much to do. Love to each of you!

ps Does blogger have spell check??? If so I need it!


Staci said...


Thank you for trying to be a faithful blogger! LOL.

Jamie said...

No pressure from us girl! I go for a week sometimes without checking or posting because, well, life happens! Your niece is adorable! That's the way I feel about all 5 of mine since I don't have a little girl (that I know of) yet!

Nicole said...

Thanks for taking time to update. Its crazy for all of us but having a blog is good b/c its there when ever you have time... and when ever we have time we check it :)

take care! my boys can climb up the first stair... i'm going to lose weight chasing them around!