Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Just genius!!!!

Today I washed a load of clothes; simply water & soap. Need I say more????


~Crystal~ said...

I've done that before!
I've also washed clothes with no soap!

Staci said...

Sounds like me to...

Jamie said...

I've taken a shower, gotten my hair wet and never shampooed it. Then when I was drying it, I was like, why is my hair so yuck!

Mel said...

That is funny!!!

Nicole said...

I did a similar thing Jamie did... But I did shampoo and conditioner it but I NEVER washed it out! my hair was realllllly greasy and finally I figured out why but it was too late to fix it!

~Crystal~ said...

I was at a hotel, spending 1 night & it was the only time I didn't pack my own shampoo & conditioner. I just figured I would use the stuff that's in the room. I grabbed the 2 bottles & washed my hair. Then I put on the conditioner & it felt nasty. The reason? It was hand lotion! It took forever to get it out of my hair!