Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today seems to be creeping along. We got up at a decent time, ate breakfast, make the bed, start a load of clothes.....etc.....
It's not even noon yet and I have most of today's list done. Now I'm bored & that usually leads to snacking, which is not so good. Good thing it's almost lunch time.

It's raining here today so we can't go outside. The boys are antsy. I'm considering playing in the rain for sanity sake. We were planning on going to church with Sam today to do finishing touches on Hallelujah House ( fall outreach). It starts on Sunday and goes through Halloween. It's lots of fun and work but we're getting there. This is the first year that Sam has been in charge. Some people have been a little bit territorial & not as cooperative as they should have been. The closer we get to the start date the better it has gotten so I"m glad it 's almost here!

The weather is supposed to be getting cooler which I love since it is FALL!

Guess what happened last night???? Someone gave Sam tickets to this weeks football game. It's Panther's vs. Colts. Sam has been a Colts' fan for a while now & wanted to go to the game SOOOOOOO bad but then we realized that its on the same day that Hallelujah House starts so we didn't even consider it. But this person talked our pastor into letting Sam go, the tickets were for Pastor appeciation. How cool is that??? We're both super excited, of course Sam is ecstatic.

Oh yeah....YEA for the rain we REALLY need it! We're considered to be in extreme drought. Rain is good!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Stomach bug hit our house. And is now gone but on Friday we took Justus to the doctor still complaining of pain. Sam & I thought it was just left over cramps. We get there & talk to the doctor. After talking to us & checking Justus out the doctor decided to take x-rays. I was a bit freaked out but Justus and I went to the x-ray room while the doc checked out Zeke just for good measure. His allergies were bothering him but nothing more. Anyways I could see something on the x-ray and that made me even more scared. Thankfully it turned out to be a bad case of constipation or as the doctor said a 'back-up'. So, that was interesting but things have been getting progressively better. We also went to the pumpkin patch. We had a great time...I'll post some pics as soon as I can.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Hello all~

I know you are just drueling to know what I will talk about next. And being the kind person that I am I will try to satisfy your cravings. Well----hope you're not to disappointed but life is still going on here in NC.

This weekend we went to get our FLU shots.....not sure if they're useful or not but my MOM insists that they are. With TEN people living here if ONE gets sick typically ALL get sick so everyone in my house got one with the exception of my dad who thinks he is super man. Mom is still trying to convince him to get one.

So anyways we packed out our van. Me, Sam & the boys. My SIL, bro & niece and head off to the Health department who gives them FREE to children & less than half the cost of what ONE shot would be at our doctors office. Everything is going fine until Justus realized that we were there for shots. Did I mention that it was drive-thru??? Sounds kind of kookie but it was VERY convenient.

Those goofballs waited to do Justus last. So he was mortified. I asked several times for them to go ahead & get it over with for Justus; they either simply ignored me or were so involved they didn't hear me. Justus squirmed & screamed so much that he didn't know when he got the shot. Later he asked: "Where did I get my shot". Our minds can do terrible things to us! Poor kid!

Once that was over we headed to my nephews football game. His team is for first graders & kindergarten age....BUT the competition is FIERCE. They flag but we have already scene several tackles! His team had won both games. We're planning on going to another game tomorrow.

The pumkin patch was next. We didn't stay as long as I wanted but by leaving early I think we avoided some temper tantrums from some tired kids! And saved some frustration on our parts. The kids were good but it is still pretty hot up here. Not very festive weather!

That night we ALL (us & bro's fam) went over to our friends Nathan & Traci's. We had a cookout & carved our pumpkins. It was lots of fun! The kids played themselves silly & were out not to long after a bath.

Sunday was the typical day. CHAOS, followed by the service, lunch, nap & then back to church. YEA>.....more positively the service was kick butt awesome!!!!