Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day two

Today is the second day of NO school around here. That probably doesn't sound important but believe me it is! Justus can get along with anyone, but when you throw five kids of five different ages together it can get complicated! So during the day when our school ager was gone life was a little more simpler. And no, I'm not blaming him cause he is a really good kid in general. But when you have two big brothers trying to take up for the little brothers, well I tend to get a headache at least once a day!!!! How do I cope? CHOCOLATE & I ran out yesterday. Luckily today was a good day. They all got along for the most part & played in the other room while I did laundry and their mom slept till noon. Not to happy about that one but the day is done and I have survived!!

I really need to get some crafts together so we don't go nutso!


Nicole said...

i think i'd be waken her sorry tail up!

~Crystal~ said...

Ditto...I'd be waking that Mama up & making her tend to her own kids.