Friday, June 13, 2008


Yea! It's Friday!!!! My sister took her kids to their dads house early today. Is it bad to feel relief??? They really are good kids but three extra kids in your house all day adds a lot of wear & tear on the ears. The funny thing is I wouldn't mind having three or more kids myself.....IF we had our own place. It's HOT & again I wish we had to pool up. It would be so refreshing right now besides running around in the heat or staying in the house.

Tonight Sam is speaking at a softball banquet for our homeschoolers. We have TONS of homeschoolers around here & alot go to our church. They asked us to bring the whole family but I don't think Ezekiel is ready to sit still and quite for that type of thing so he's staying here with Aubrey and Justus will go withus. Plus an 'entertainment' bag...crayons, cars, men, etc.

We wanted to go to a movie this weekend but there isn't alot out that I want to see. Next weekend will be different. Narnia is still in & I haven't seen it yet so that is a possibilty. Other than that there isn't alot going on. We might go out for 'Father's Day' because Sam will be gone to youth camp that day this year. I think that is really wierd but I'm not in charge.

Which brings up another dreaded thing: six days without daddy around while Sam is gone to youth camp. Since we will have the van while he is gone Aubrey & I will GET OUT OF HEAR as much as possible.

Ideas for during the day:

Splash pad (free)
Library (free)
Extreme play ($7 for Justus, $5 for Zeke)
Park (free)
Getting groceries; definetly not free but still a time away from the house!!!!

At night:

Good ole' YMCA ( we usually go three nights a week)
Wed~ Church of course
Emergency sanity trips~ CVS? Walmart??? or Sonic; ours is open late & they have a lit playground for the kids to play on.

Other than hanging out at the house these are the things I will be doing next week so long as Aubrey is up to it & no one is sick!


~Crystal~ said...

I see you are figuring out the blog stuff. It's not so hard is it?