Monday, January 19, 2009

What? It's supposed to snow! And I'm all out of hot chocolate & there is no daddy to take the kids out. RATS! I'll have to get dressed and take them out myself! Just so you know I am normally all geared up for snow at anytime. These days though I am off balance & have been letting Sam do most of the ice sliding.


~Crystal~ said...

Too bad we don't live closer! I have stock pile of hot chocolate & just realized I haven't drank any this year.
Have fun in the snow.

Staci said...

Girl, tonight I said to the family- I need to go to food lion to stock up on the HOT CHOCOLATE! We have SOME, but not enough if we have an entire day of SNOW. YUM. Its snowing right now as I type! But channel 14 says it doesn't look like it will stick around... just dusting.... we will see. I'm hoping for at least 2 inches!!!