Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Brought to you by Justus~

This year we have a fairly big garden. The things we are attempting to grow are snow peas, spinach, watermelon, cantelope, lettuce, squash, zucccini, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans & corn. The snow peas are the only thing we've never grown. We also planted a couple of blueberry bushes. And I want to try eggplant too.

My dad and brothers are really the ones who do all the work. So when I say 'we' did something it's them I am referring to. Some of the plants haven't really made a lot of progress yet but Justus took a few pictures anyways.

Oh yeah-broccoli too. Heres the broccoli plants.

Snow peas


Watermelon & cantelope




Staci said...

Looks good! I've never tried to plant my own broccoli! Let me know how it comes out!