Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Our boys~

Justus has a wiggly tooth. Seriously, he's only 5. Are these things supposed to happen so quickly?? He's just growing up TOO fast. In our state kids don't have to go to school until they turn seven so technically we have one more year. However J is SO ready & excited I guess I'll give him over to school.

Ezekiel has some kind of rash. We think it is poison ivy but more itchy bumps keep showing up. So far we've tried the traditional calamine lotion & another one called calagel that are supposed to stop the itching & dry things up. Next on the to try list is cortisone.

And finally Malachi rolled over for the first time ever! The awesome thing about it is that both sam & I were there together. Mal is also losing his hair something that neither Justus or zeke ever did. And we almost got a laugh out of him...he is getting to where you can tickle hi a little bit.