Friday, May 21, 2010

My Life today~

Mal has a summer cold and so last night we spent two hours of saline drops, snot sucker and the lovely breathing machine. All in the middle of the night & in the middle of a six day NO daddy shift. After several cups of coffee this AM I woke up and welcomed the day.

During the boys quiet time I made a new list of movies to see. It's for my netflix queue. We have the plan for two out at a time. But what I love best is the instant viewing feature. There's lots choose from. And we don't have to wait for them to come. Most of it is older stuff but I usually can find something to watch when we have the time.

The boys played in mud today. It has rained here everyday for four or five days in a row. Justus LOVED it, Zeke not so much. I will be glad when we have a bathroom of our own so the boys can go straight there instead of washing off to go upstairs to get a bath.

I got an idea for a kids book today. It may never become anything more than a thought but you never know. Silly as it is the thought of the idea of a book made me smile.

The day is winding down and we're watching G-force...on netflix. :-)


~Crystal~ said...

I love netflix! We have the 1 DVD unlimited plan. So, D & I take turns picking out the movies.

Nicole said...

love ya - miss ya