Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday was my birthday so you've read all about that. One VERY important thing I forgot to mention was sam's gift to me, a ticket to Bama' for a whole week in June!!!!!! Hope I don't drive Nic totally insane. I'll be bringing Justus so that should make it even more crazy...O Lord have mercy! I'm a little bit nervous, Justus is a daddy's boy.

Saturday we just all hung out, and then my sister came over to give me highlights. For the most part my hair is now blonde. It always takes some adjusting on my part. I don't handle change exceptionaly well even if it's my idea. That took 3 hours!!!! Not the most fun time in the world but worth the wait.

Sunday I stayed home with Justus, his fever blisters still looked pretty intense even though they were well on their way to being healed. I was disappointed b/c our pastor was out of town & so Sam was preaching. The sermon title "Sick & tired of being sick & tired." An perfect description of our life ritht now. Happy to say that we are all good today! Suday night was bowling with the youth group. Some redneck accused one of our kids of stealing a cigarette. Funny huh?


Staci said...

When are you going to AL?

Jamie said...

I would love to meet you!! If you guys do plan something at a park, let me know, huh? I would be happy to add to the insanity by bringing my 2 1/2 year old!

native-nc said...

The dates are June 12-18, so I'm hoping you get the extra days so we don't totally miss each other. Sorry, it's when sam's gone to camp w/kids. It was a surprise, I had no control.

And a day in the park sound like much fun!!!