Thursday, June 02, 2005

Trailer nightmares

This entire week has been devoted to cleaning out the place my sister is going to live in. It has been exhausting! 7am -7pm, everyday since monday. We are finally making some headway. It is pretty much cleaned out of all the junk the previous lady left. It has also been disinfected (three rooms anyways). And today we were finally able to start painting. The kids were worse than rugrats today. It has been raining for the past few days so they haven't been free to roam about as usual. I can tell. Those wild things almost drove me crazy!!!!

Now on to the nightmare part! Every night since we began working I've had some kind of nightmare. The first one had to do with the rotting food in the fridge. Then I dreamed about the floor caving in, then about a fire. Finally last night I decided that we needed to annoint the whole thing before they actually move in. Is this a crazy thought???

Sorry i haven't been making comments, I have been reading what's up with you all.


Jamie said...

No, it is not crazy! Anoint that place and thank God for the blessing of a true home for your sister!

~Crystal~ said...

It's not crazy at all! I've anointed any place I have ever lived!