Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Storm of the Century

Anyone ever seen it? IT's a Steven King movie & I thought it was pretty good. A huge snow storm hits this island & everyone meets at town hall to figure out what to do. Since it's the storm of the century it's pretty big and soon people start going missing and turning up dead. Then a strange man appears & they figure that he is somehow to blame. Soon he starts opress/possessing people to try to get them to do what he wants. While he can't force them to do anything he can cause them physical harm.

Well it turns out that he is Legion the demon(s) that were cast into the pigs & into the sea. That is how he has the power to possess. Anyways as the story progresses we find out that his "body" is dying and he needs a new one. Of course for this he needs permission of sorts. He wants a child & threatens to kill the entire town if they don't pay up.

The town decides that it's worth it to sacrifice one child instead of the entire town. There is one exception, one man who doesn't want any part of it. He tries to explain exactly what they will do by giving up this child but they are to afraid. In the end it is his child that gets "sold to the devil". Of course he fought as much as he could but no one would listen.


Jamie said...

I have seen the beginning of this movie. I never actually watched it all the way through. Sounds creepy though. Can you imagine if your 'son' was possessed and you knew it?

Staci said...

Where are you now???