Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My day...

Started at 6:30am, not a typical day for me. But I had to be up early to go to MOPS. It didn't start until 9 but other things had to get done before hand. Anyways we ate breakfast at MOPS & I met a few people today. We did devotions, introductions, food of course & a craft. All this while the children were neatly tucked away in other rooms. Allowing mothers 2 1/2 hours of sanity. VERY NICE!!! I reccomend it to anyone needing fellowship.

At the next meeting I will bring juice for the snack & be a teacher in one of the rooms! The great thing is I only have to do this once a semester, not once a month. Not complaining, just rejoicing!!! Justus stayed in his room the entire time!!! Little by little we're gaining ground!

By the time we got home Justus & I were exhausted. He slept & I paid the bills. I think if I hurry there may be a few minutes to rest peacefully in the quiet.


prftpeace said...

I am so glad you enjoyed today. I know that kids need a break from mommy and daddy (or Nana in my case) as much as you need a break from them.

I am more in need of a summer program where we can have play dates......my grandson is in second grade and I pick him up at 3.

His sisters, ages 2 1/2 and 4 1/2, will start back to MDO Tuesday, the 13th. This year they will go 3 and 4 days a week (respectively) instead of 2 and 3 days per week AND they will stay until 2 o'clock instead of 1. This will help me trememdously this year.....I can actually go bowling on a league one day a week and still have time for lunch. Also, I will be able to take advantage of the free computer classes offered by the Hoover Library---and still have time to have lunch! Yipee!!

Don't get me wrong....I love my grandchildren and I love keeping them while my son and his wife work. I am bonding with them in a way that will last their lifetimes and the rest of mine. I just can't give them the interaction with other children they need and it leads to frustration for all of us.

Staci said...

Glad you enjoyed your day. I will have to tell you what came to mind when I read your post, its too funny and I can't share it on the computer. Some may take offense!!!(I bet your mind is really going now!)