Monday, October 17, 2005

Sweet Success

The wedding was successful with bride & groom now spending a week in Cancun. The reception, our main focus went well. 300+ guest ate a huge plate of food. Including; veggies & fruit, bread & cheese, meatballs, wings, ham, chocolate covered cherries, and cream puffs drizzled with chocolate. Don't forget the punch & cake. Our only problem was that the wings got a little dried out, I think we had the heat turned up a little to high. They weren't bad with the sauces added on top. (BBQ or ranch).

The sad part was that we were all too busy to spend any time with each other. My brother & his wife came. Rebekah & Paul came with their new baby Gabriel. Nikki & Scott...I know most of you don't recognize the names but for Staci's sake I thought I'd add this part. Anyways it was hello & goodbye. Maybe Christmas won't be as rushed.

We had lots of leftovers; that's good for us! Some of it will have to be frozen so it won't go bad. Nathan & Traci both looked great. And that's all that matters. Their day was successful. Yeah!


Staci said...

I want to see pictures!!!! Did anyone get any on a digital of the bride and groom???

Just reading the menu made me hungry. Freeze some for me so at Christmas I can enjoy it as if I were really there :-)

native-nc said...

I'm sure someone did but not me, my digital is still down. :( I'll freeze a little fun pack just for you. If it makes it till christmas it will be a miracle!!!