Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I have a lot of prayers on my heart today. The first on my list is my doctors appointment tommorrow. I'm excited about hearing the baby's heartbeat. That to me will be the best confirmation of all. We are leaving Justus at home with my mom and brother so it shouldnt be overly stressful.

Secondly I talked to my sister today. She has been on my mind for several days but I just hadn't gotten around to calling her. Today I did & now I know the reason she was on my mind. She quit her job. This in ordinary circumstances wouldn't be great. But since she is the only one working it's extra scary.

Bethany has this pattern. Do good for a while & then blow it. It's a self-destruct thing she does. And it's very frustrating to see her goes through this. Especially since she has three kids. Good news is that she is already out looking for another job instead of wallowing in self pity.

She such an awsome girl, I wish she could just get it into her head that God has awesome, wonderful things for her. She needs major guidance but she has to be the one to seek it. We've all tried to share with her but she isn't very receptive. Even though she knows the truth.

Lastly is my mother. She is scheduled for an MRI this friday to the tune of $3,500! Yikes!! Medical care is riduculous if you don't have insurance. She is very discouraged that "she" is going to put the family in debt. I've tried to tell her that she has been taking care of everyone else for years & now it's time to take care of herself.

So I'm praying for comfort & that she won't freak out while the tests are being ran. I'm going to go with her, even though I won't be able to be in the room she will know I'm there.

There are my thought for today.


Staci said...

Your family means a lot to me, I will be praying. Keep us posted.
Love ya!

Staci said...

What time is your appointment?

Nicole said...

everything will be fine... cause i said so :) love ya! call me

~Crystal~ said...

I'm standing with you. :)