Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Going batty???

Check out the little visitor we had last night at 4am! IT's not a great picture b/c this is as close as I was willing to get.

I had just finished feeding Ezekiel & I heard something moving around. I'm not sure what I thought it was but I never expected to see a bat flying around. So I woke up Sam and told him what was happening. He didn't believe me at first. Then the bat flew over our bed. I shrieked & kicked my feet. Sam jumped and the whole bed moved. I screamed.

It took a minute to form a plan. Zeke was already covered up. So I covered Justus real good in case the bat tried to land near them. Then Sam jumped up and turned on the light. The bat landed and I took the kids into another room. Then went to get my dad to help us catch the bat. Luckily it didn't move b/c of the light being on and was easily captured.

WOW- what a night. Justus enjoyed b/c he got to watch Backyardigans and eat goldfish in the middle of the night. It took me a while to go back to sleep! Still not sure how he got in!


dana said...

I have been in that situation before, just as a kid. We used to go up north and on 2 different occasions there was a bat, except my dad and all the other males didn't catch it and let it go, I won't go into detail, just say there was a bat involved. Glad you got it out.

Jamie said...

Oh no way could I sleep after finding that!!

dana said...

I know you are super busy with 2 babies, but is everything ok?

dana said...

I know what you are saying, I would love to "chat" with you. Set up a time (one convienient for you and email me your number or we can get on IM again. I have a lot to chat about too. ok, love ya

Jamie said...

The bat is freakin me out! You gotta post something new! :)

Mel said...

gotta tell you- i would have died in the floor. i cant even look at these suckers at the zoo...seriously DIED!