Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oh yeah- an update

Busy as a bee! Ft. Myers MC were here last week. They did a MC glimpse. Teaching our students all about MC and the in's & outs. Our 'kids' really enjoyed it. Wednesday night MC's had control of the service & it was awesome. Ft. Myers sent their worship team INTERFACE, they're really good! Worship was great. Our students did a human video. And then one of the guys preached but basically he gave his testimony. He was at a school where they had a student kill two of his classmates. It was a powerful illistration of why you should reach out to others.

During the week the boys & I were at the church each day. I helped Katrina (pastor's wife) get lunches together, served, cleaned up. It was good to be helpful & I enjoyed seeing our students. Some other youth groups came too.

Thursday Sam & the youth group left for camp. They got back today. It was a long week without having Sam here but I had a great time with the boys. Justus & I were super silly! We went swimming almost everyday. I"m glad Sam is back!!

Now we're in hyper mode getting ready for our independence celebration at church on the 1st. Sam is in charge and it reminds me a lot of doing outreach. Trying to cover all our bases but I"m sure there is something we've forgotten.

After that my brother & sister in law will be here for a week. We will have a birthday party for my niece Leah & Ezekiel. They're only a few weeks apart so it will be fun. That about covers life here for the next week and a half. So see you then, hopefully with picture you can enjoy! For now here are two to tide you over.

Bob the builder???

I love bath time!!!!!


Jamie said...

Summer does sort of fill up all on it's own doesn't it!! Enjoy all your business! :)

dana said...

Lol, we have that same hammer. I am with ya on the glad your hubby is back, it is hard to do it all by yourself... Aaron has been gone alot lately too, working overtime. He leaves before the kids get up and comes home after they are in bed, but that is dwindling down now.

Nicole said...

Can we fix it!!?!?! YES WE CAN!

Staci said...

Thanks for the update! Love you.I have good news..

Staci said...

I have a CD from interface- that Kristy gave me. She went to FMMC this past year. She loved the program, hated Fl though. Anyway - she's going back for a 2nd year.

Thats not my good new by the way!

Mel said...

Look how big they are getting and getting cuter and cuter!