Thursday, March 20, 2008

Can you believe this???

I am in total disbelief of my present circumstances. Here's the facts plain & simple. There are now 5 dogs, 6 children, & 8 adults living in our house. At least one or more of us have been sick since January. My sister has been out of work for at least six months. My dad lost his job a month or so ago & to top it all off my mom lost her job yesterday. And we started round two of the stomach bug after having an upper respitory infection for two weeks.

Call me crazy, I know all this stuff happens in 'regular' life but I know that our family is under a spiritual attack. And that God is a close as he has ever been, but Geeze Louise.......I'd really like something to go our way sometime soon! Please pray for us.


Nicole said...

hang in there

Staci said...

WOW.... it really is an attack. If you ever need some room to breath, call me, I will come get you and the boys. you can come over and just take up unused space!

Gretchen said...

I'm praying for you. If I can help in some way, let me know. Staci knows how to get ahold of me and I'll help if I can.