Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Momma's Ark Revisited~

A couple of months ago I talked about our crowded little house here. WELL----things haven't gotten any better for my sister. She & her husband are still seperated & will eventually get a divorce unless they let the Lord restore them. She also still has NO job & is currently working on her third eviction notice, that will be served on Friday. The last time GOD did an awesome thing and provided her with the money to catch up on her bills. The next month he used my parents, well actually she used my parents. Anyways, I am a bit frustrated with her right now, so I'm venting to you all. Sorry but tonight at 2:21 you get the brunt of my anger.

Getting more to the point there are serious talks about her moving in here. My family will be most affected by this change since they will be living down here with us in the basement. And the whole basement where we live will have to be re -arranged to make it possible. Good thing my dad doesn't have a steady job or we'd all be busted. Since he is a carpenter/ general contractor he can do most of what is needed. GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, God we could use some help right about now!

OK, I know you're probably not getting the sarcasm I'm feeling right now but believe me it's there, I'm still up at 2am for goodness sake! Well anyways, I ask for your prayers cause the boat is about to be rocked again! When all the changes are done we will have at total of five dogs (if she brings her two & this issue is up for debate!), eight adults, and six children in this house. This house with ONE & a half baths, and soon to be five bedrooms. HOLY COW, I"M LOSING IT!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, you can scratch my little comment below that there is nothing going on here. There is MORE than I think I can handle. Truly all I can say is THANK YOU LORD there's a place for us all. And then TRY not to follow it up with a BUT GOD, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING????

ps Please pray for my dad & sister to find a job. And maybe me as well.