Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well we had an icky night. Zeke has oink eye...oops-pink eye LOL. And he was very wiggly last night & couldn't get comfortable. Then his nose got stuffy so he was breathing loud. Eventually he woke up & I tried to feed him a bottle which usually he takes and then goes directly back to sleep. Of course that is not what happened. The drainage must have tickled his throat because next thing I know milk was coming back up. ICKY!!!!

This lead to Justus & Sam waking up. So our 'wee' hours of the morning were spent trying to get everyone back to sleep. A very frustrating process. This is when I wish the boys had a room of their own & weren't in the same space with us. Most of the time I love having them so close.....last night was NOT one of those times.

This week is our consignment sale for our children's ministry. We do one in the spring & one in the fall. I always have a blast helping organize & weed out the junk that some people try to sell. It's really quite funny when someone wants $5 for a stained dress. Get control of yourselves people! The ladies that are in charge of this are so much fun to be around. And Sam gets to ENJOY the boys for a couple of hours.

This couldn't have come at a better time for me. The youth are going to Aquire the Fire this weekend so I will get a bit of a break from the house while I help out at the church. Throw in the good company & a little shopping for my boys and I'm there!

Hopefully whatever is bothering baby oink eye will pass quickly; I'm not really up for caring for a sickie all by myself.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Surprise, surprise...nothing spectacular going on here. But I must say that I saw the most beautiful sunset this weekend and in my favorite color--PURPLE!!!!!!! That triggered a spontaneous moment of reflection & a quick prayer thanking God for being in the little things and loving me so much. I wish I could have gotten to the camera but it wasn't with me at the time.

Sam put in his two week notice on his second job! Hopefully most of his evenings will be spent at home & now we will be able to eat supper together-I'm so excited!!!! It's been a long time coming and I'm extremely thankful for this change!!!

Tonight a friend is bringing two of her children over to play while she & her husband go eat dinner. Baby boy (three weeks old) will be joining his parents...RATS! I wish she'd leave him here but I don't blame her!

Well that's all folks. Zeke is sqiggling & squealing in the other room.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Life in fast forward.....

Zeke has hit a growing streak! He's wearing some 12month stuff. This week he started waving bye-bye. He's said 'daddy' once & BEST of all he said 'Momma' today!!!!! As for Justus- well he keeps me laughing out loud! On Friday he pooped in the urinal at church!!!! So funny! He had asked Sam for help but apparently Sam didn't get there in enough time for the proper direction. Needless to say I stay busy simply keeping up with these two.

As for me- I'd like to lose some weight but I have NO will power so it seems a distant dream! I have been trying to make healthier choices & I feel better mentally if not physically. It's nice to do something for myself. And rewarding to make good choices. This will probably be short lived...we'll see.

The boys hanging out:

Friday, March 16, 2007

A few pictures.....

Behind the boys is where our woodpile went to keep the house warm during winter. We had a wood crate to hold the wood. Since then we've replaced it with a new wood holder.

A shot of the walls and floors before:

One of the worst spots. Although you can't even tell this floor had been cleaned & bleached even. I'm sure you can see my reasons for NEEDING new flooring. The paint on the floor was also peeling in places.

Laying the tile

All tiles down!


Step one of painting: sealer. This keeps the mold out!

Step two---PAINT! No more ugly blue.

All in all I am VERY happy with the results. The paint in the room is lighter than I wanted it. I actually prefered the color of the wet paint. However- this is a look I can live with!!!! Thank God for tax returns!

We're still moving things around a bit but once the furniture is settled I'll show a picture of the final results!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Home Improvements

Last week we started working on our house. The first half of the week was taken up by gathering supplies & rearranging our house. We had to move a portion of our stuff out of the room so that nothing was on the floor. So now on third of our basement apartment is tiled & it looks fantastic or as Justus says "Bantastic".

For those of you who don't know we basically live in a concrete rectangle aka an unfinished basement. The rectangle is divided into three sections. Anyways the part that you walk directly into now has a fresh coat of paint & a nice tile floor. And I am SO excited!!!!! It's always nice to have a feeling of accomplishment.

We have changed things around a bit & now I want to paint the bedroom. Eventually the entire basement will be finished. Complete with a bathroom & real walls and all that normal stuff. Hopefully we'll be in our own place by then but for now I am happy with our improvements!

Last week we also had my grandmothers 70th birthday party and our youth had their second basketball game. I took the boys for the first time-----disaster!!!! Sam was coaching so he couldn't help at all. Thankfully some church members were there & my brother Josh as well so I wasn't completly out of sorts. I won't be taking the boys again!

Well reading over this my week doesn't sound very full but believe me I stayed busy! Oh yeah, we made time to go see a movie. We went to see 300. It was a decent movie. But not one I would see with our youth for sure! It's rated R for some sexuality & nudity and of course battle scenes. We almost took my 15 year old brother Jacob.....he would have missed several 15 minute scenes! I'm glad he ended up doing something else!

I also have to say that I have the BEST three year old in the world!!!!!!! He's just awesome!!!!

As soon as I find our computer cords I'll post some pics of our changes!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Why try???

I just finished fixing supper. Justus is asleep. Sam's at work. Zeke is fussing & I"m not hungry.

It's been almost a week-

Did you miss me??? Well I missed you all but haven't had much time to really think about it until now. We've been busy & I'd love to tell you all about it but Zeke is up. I'll update on last week soon. I promise. I know you're all just drooling to know about my boring life!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Check this out!