Justus thinks I"m cool....for a split second anyways. We brought home our pacman game from the church last night & he and I played together for a couple of hours. Normally video games are reserved only for father/son time because I stink at them. But pacman is one that I actually enjoy. This isn't the old school pacman but one of the newer versions. It still takes me forever to figure things out but I can do it faster than Justus and show him how so now I am cool. Hey, I'm a cool mom~ It's the little things that bring such pleasure!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
IT's a boy, it's a boy, it's a boy!!!!
They're having a boy!!! I totally called it. Everyone is super excited. Leah is still convinced it's a girl. I've seen the pictures....it's a boy!
Posted by native-nc at 5:42 PM 1 comments
Today's the day!!!!!
I'm watching Leah! Josh & Aubrey are at the doctors office to find out if it's a boy or girl. I may be as excited to know as they are. I can't wait!!!!!
Posted by native-nc at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Cable Guy
Yesterday the cable guy came. I had just cleaned the house that morning so nothing was out of place & it was actually looking pretty nice. But I still felt the need to keep straightning up. Do you do that to? I think it's kind of a nervous twitch or something. I mean the house looked pretty dang good but I swept the floor and mopped the floor during the hour he was here running up and down the stairs trying to figure out the problem. He told me to come to his house next since his teenagers don't do much cleaning.
Eventually we got a new DVR because ours was on the fritz doing silly stuff, not recording when it's programmed. That kind of frustrating things.
Posted by native-nc at 1:43 PM 2 comments
Well, we had a long busy weekend. And I was still exhausted on Monday so we stayed around the house for most of the day & spent time with Sam and the boys. On Saturday we had to go find some gifts and get groceries as well. I hate getting groceries on Saturdays, everyone & their brother are out doing the same thing. Mom, Aubrey and I also had a going away party. And then later another party to go to. I think I was home for a total of two hours on Saturday. Sunday came way to fast for me, I could have slept hours and hours more. Thanks for reading this OH so entertaining post.
Posted by native-nc at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Anybody see Baby Mama???? We went and saw it tonight, it was funny and cute. Some crude humor but mainly enjoyable! Well, that was the highlight of my evening. How did your weekend begin?
Posted by native-nc at 12:02 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
I finally used some of the work out machines at the Y this week. Up until this point I've walked the track or treadmill & rode of the stationary bikes. There is a small work out room & so Aubrey showed me how to use most of them. Tonight she wasn't with me. I was OK until I got to this one machine. It's one that works out your legs. You move the lever up & it works the inner muscles then you change things around a bit, and move the lever again and it works the outer mucles. I must have done something wrong because I moved things and next thing I know the weights slam all the way down & make lots of noise. OOPS! I should have had a sign on----work out novice, please excuse my mistakes. Luckily there was only one other person in there at the time. She graciously ignored me & I wisely moved on to a less complicated machine. I may not be losing any weight but I am making myself laugh!
Posted by native-nc at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rip Roaring Thunder
Last night we had some pretty good storms come through. They lasted most of the night. Since we are in the basement we usually can't hear when it rains or when it thunders. But last nights storms were pretty loud. THis morning the storms woke me up. I have always loved thunderstorms and watching lightning so when we get out own place I want a picture window where I can watch the show. Upstairs the thunder was shaking the house.
Posted by native-nc at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
After a three week break (longer than I intended) I finally made it back to the YMCA. Tonight was a fairly quiet night, the overly PDA couple wasn't there & the closed caption wouldn't work so I was pretty bored. I did catch the end of a sitcom. I think it was Yes, Dear.....anyways they were taking chocolate cupcakes to someone & setting them on the porch. The outside light wasn't on & so the husband got out a lighter and ended up accidentally catching the paperbag on fire. They ran in horror (not really) & the person came out and stepped on the fire with cupcakes inside, getting a nasty foot of poop like substance on his shoe---wonder when he realized it wasn't poop. Anyways, that long drawn out discription was so funny (at the moment) that I almost lost my balance which would have led to me landing flat on my face while the treadmill kept going....now that would be funny! Anyways, that cleared up my boredom. And after a good laugh I got down to some serious thinking. And it was awesome to have the freedom to actually think about something head on for more a two seconds.
Changing subject, I read about Nicoles trip to sonic so we decided to go by & get some fruit juice slushies for the kids. Aubrey & I decided that the coney deal for $2.99 looked good too. I guess the time on the treadmill was just prep work for my indulgence tonight. We will not make a habit out of going to Sonic after the Y. That place is trouble!!!
Things are settling down around here so I'm about to catch up on Big Brother. Our DVR is giving us trouble. It didn't record the MOLE yesterday if it didn't work again tonight the cable company is going to have an unhappy customer tommorrow!!!!!
I guess that sums up my thoughts for tonight.
Posted by native-nc at 11:14 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
I have to say that there are benefits to living with your family. For example borrowing Mom's van to go to church, taking Dad's truck to go get groceries, & hopping a ride with your SIL to go get the carseats you forgot to get from Mom's van. I have a dang good family & I'm super THANKFUL for that!!!!! Just thought I'd share!
Posted by native-nc at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's been a long weekend. I am not really ready for it to end but it wasn't much different from our everyday life. All weekend Sam & I have been passing each other on our way out the door. He did an extra job Friday afternoon to make 'transmission' money then we ate Chinese . I jumped in the shower and not to long after that I headed to CVS with Staci after getting dressed of course!
On Saturday we had worship workshops in the morning with a break in the afternoon and then back again for more sessions at night. I didn't see Sam for more than two hours because Mom & I went back to CVS to do a picture book from our beach vacation. We could have stayed all day making changes, enhancing pictures and cropping. We had fun but it took a good bit of time.
Today was church as usual but we went over to one our youth leaders house for lunch. Josh, Aubrey& Leah went too. We had a great time. We had a type of chicken cattatore which I obviously can't spell. It was on the spicy side which I love. We came home exhausted & full.....perfect for a nap!!! I layed down but never went to sleep. The boys were GRUMPY when they woke up so I put them in the bathtub...this usually takes the grumps out of my kids.
Now the kids (my two plus three more) are running around my house making messes that I will have to clean up if I don't get off here and supervise.
Posted by native-nc at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
News from Staci
Last night Staci & I spent a few hours together doing picture books (and shopping) at CVS. Afterwards we stood outside of my house talking for thirty minutes or more. I asked her about her grandfather. She went to see him for several hours yesterday with her maw maw.
He past away today. It is So very sad. Please pray for her family. Staci said he was ready & waiting to meet Jesus! Today will be a hard day for everyone. Denise (stack's mom) lost her daddy today. And Staci her Paw Paw. And Genny (maw maw ) her husband of 60+ years. Keep them in your prayers please!
Posted by native-nc at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
It's 9pm our time & Sam just left to go back to work. Thankfully we know someone in the church with their own business & he had some extra work to throw our way (for tonight only). Unfortunately the boys miss him already & daddy won't be home at bedtime tonight. It is amazing how much they miss being with their daddy. We were all spoiled by our vacation! We are very thankful for any little bit of money we can gather together right now. Neither of us want to wait a month to get our van back.
Posted by native-nc at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Our car guy called back, it will be $1100 to fix the transmission now...or wait for a month and pay $800. He has a friend who could give us a better deal but his work is backed up for a month. We may as well park the van b/c we have NO money. We just got back from vacation & we don't have money stored in our matresses. SO, I'm not sure what is going to happen. Oh, the fun!!!
Posted by native-nc at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Spicing up breakfast~
I decided to make cinnamon toast for the boys today. I got out my little spice basket, the butter, sugar & bread. Spread the butter on, add the spices. Then I realize that the cinnamon looks pretty bright, more red than brown. So it tasted it. I had grabbed the red/cayenne pepper! Wonder if it would have been good??? The boys got a little impatient that it was taking so long but in the end we had some tasty cinnamon bread.
Posted by native-nc at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Check them out
OK~ I posted a buttload of pictures from our vacation. It's not even half of what I have and some are better than others but I hope you will enjoy pictures of my family! Keep scrolling down until the pictures stop. Some you can't see so good but if you click on them you're sure to get a good laugh at the kids expression, at least I did!
Posted by native-nc at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Hanging with Daddy
The boys loved having daddy with us every minute of the day. Zeke barely left Sam's side all week long/.
Posted by native-nc at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Sand creations~
Some of the sand castles we attempted. The closest we got to an castle was to build an mote like structure with an island in the middle. The little kids wanted to sit on the side & destroy everything we did. At the end we ended up doing some pools as well.
Posted by native-nc at 6:21 PM 2 comments
Out of order
Oops, I skipped the ferry pictures just in case your interested here they are~ Click on the question mark to see a funny one of Justus, I guess the sun was in his face.
Posted by native-nc at 2:31 PM 0 comments
I only have one picture from the aquarium. I thought that I took more in the beginning but they must be on someone elses camera. Here is Zeke checking out the fish. This is the only time for the three hours we were there that he cooperated. Another reason for no aquarium pictures.
Posted by native-nc at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Waiting for the ferry~
Being on time for anything with fourteen is pretty unheard of, at least in our family. We missed the ferry by ten minutes. I was fuming!!!!!! I got over it!!!!!!! While we waited we had time to eat lunch and have a potty break.
Eating lunch & feeding the birds!
Trying to get a picture for Grandma~
Still not cooperating~
Hanging out on the tree~
Check out their expressions....they did not want to share 'their' tree. They were promptly removed so other kids could enjoy as well!
Posted by native-nc at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Surfing the waves
These are action shots so there isn't a lot of close ups. We went to the beach after getting back from the aquarium. The sunsets were hard to see but the sky itself was still spectacular. Click on the pics for a better view of the boys faces. These are of Justus and Brandon. They weren't intimidated at all by the waves. We kept a close eye on the fearless boogers.
This first picture is my favorite. You can see the waves coming in back to back pretty quickly.
Caught one in the face~
So many waves!!! It wasn't as rough as it looks in this picture. We were able to stay hoursssssssss at a time.
We were there at low tide there was plenty of beach to run on which Justus loved every minute!
Posted by native-nc at 1:54 PM 0 comments
The people at LUVS are morons...OK, sorry for those of you who think LUVS are the bomb. I went on their website & voiced my complaints about their diapers. They kindly responded to my email...seriously they were nice. And then they sent me a coupon for more LUVS. Um, not gonna buy LUVS. Don't like anything about LUVS except the 'Blues Clue's design & only then because Zeke recognizes it & its fun to see his excitement.
I will compliment them on an excellent coupon ($10 off a jumbo or larger pack). However a coupon for other P&G products like Pampers would have been nice since I clearly DON"T LIKE LUVS! The plans are to use the coupon when CVS has a good deal on them & pass them along to a LUV's lover.
Posted by native-nc at 1:45 PM 2 comments
Trying again
Hey!!! SO I tried last night to post pictures twice, either my computer or the www wouldn't cooperate. So I will try again to put some up real quick while the kids are quite. A rare moment indeed. My sister got a job (finally)--good for her--so I am watching her kids. Everyone is watching Tom & Jerry, my kids favorite especially Zeke.
Here are pics of Zeke, since blogger is working now I'll post more! Can you tell he loved it??
Posted by native-nc at 1:39 PM 1 comments