Anyone ever used Mean Green? It a cleaner/degreaser & that junk works. I'm sure it must be toxic cause it took all the grease off of the counters & cabinets at the trailer. According to the neighbors this trailer was being rented out to a nurse. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! That is really scarey! This place is trashed!
Progress report goes as this: Floors: swept & mopped. Ceiling: clear of any cobwebbs, Counter & cabinets: degreased. Bathroom: cleaned top to bottom. Including toilet, floor, tub, walls, ceilings. And also caulked for leaks & nail holes. And that barf refrigerator, well I washed it out today. And will bleach it again tomorrow for my sanity. Truly if I had money....
The goal for tommorrow is to clean the fridge again. Prime & paint the bathroom, start priming & painting the other rooms. Our plan has been to start from the cleanest end of the house and work our way to the more fun messes. We shall see what happens. And what other gross things we'll find.
7:30am is coming to soon. Ta ta for now!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Mean Green
Posted by native-nc at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 30, 2005
Clean Up
Well my sister's neighbor got evicted from the trailer next door. And the land lady said my sister & her family could move in as soon as the trailer is cleaned up. The former tenant evidently didn't believe in cleaning so we spent the day starting work on the trialer. Needless to say it was pretty disgusting! Not exactly fun but it will be worth it for my them to have their own space.
We're making a run to the city dump tomorrow to get rid of all the junk left behind. The worst part was getting the food out of the refrigerator. It had been in there a week without electricity! There was all kinds of junk left to rot. YUK!
Once we were all tired out we came home & started supper. Grilled chicken! That & a good shower and I'm ready for bed. Goodnight!
Posted by native-nc at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Memorial Day Weekend
Friday was my birthday so you've read all about that. One VERY important thing I forgot to mention was sam's gift to me, a ticket to Bama' for a whole week in June!!!!!! Hope I don't drive Nic totally insane. I'll be bringing Justus so that should make it even more crazy...O Lord have mercy! I'm a little bit nervous, Justus is a daddy's boy.
Saturday we just all hung out, and then my sister came over to give me highlights. For the most part my hair is now blonde. It always takes some adjusting on my part. I don't handle change exceptionaly well even if it's my idea. That took 3 hours!!!! Not the most fun time in the world but worth the wait.
Sunday I stayed home with Justus, his fever blisters still looked pretty intense even though they were well on their way to being healed. I was disappointed b/c our pastor was out of town & so Sam was preaching. The sermon title "Sick & tired of being sick & tired." An perfect description of our life ritht now. Happy to say that we are all good today! Suday night was bowling with the youth group. Some redneck accused one of our kids of stealing a cigarette. Funny huh?
Posted by native-nc at 9:03 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 27, 2005
My birthday
Well, let's start my saying last night was a LONG night! Justus was up every three hours. So by 8:30 I was exhausted! But Justus was ready to go...get up, get up he kept saying! Sam & I tried to convince him to go back to sleep but that of course didn't work. So Sam decided to take Justus with him to work this morning at the church so guess what I did??? Yep I went back to sleep until noon!!! I only woke up then because I had to go to the bathroom...I know thanks for sharing. Sorry bout' that.
When I went upstairs mom asked me if I wanted to go eat lunch so we headed out to eat & met my sis during her lunch break. After that we stopped by the church to water the plants, & rose bushes mom and Jake have been working on. They are super pretty, I'll have to get a pic for you Crystal. Then off to water pastors garden, they're out of town for a couple of weeks.
Then we thought we would go home but I suggested we stop by a kids thrift store. OOOOPPPPs! That is never a good thing, usually my eyes are bigger than my pocketbook. This trip was no exception. We got some play clothes for all four kids & found a pack & play for baby Jaiden. The tag said $45. Yikes. I asked for a price reduction & got the price down to $30. Not too bad, it is really nice. We of course had to take it over to Bethany. We spent the next half hour there, & then tried to go home.
That didn't work either, mom remembered she had to stop by a friends house for a minute. This was another half hour side trip. Good thing Sam had Justus, or we'd have been in big trouble! We finally made it home at 5:30, & all I thought I was gonna do is have lunch. What was I thinking??? I had fun getting out of the house, it was a nice change!
Wait a minute the days not over. When I got home it was time to take Justus to Nana Sue's house so we could go out. I was worried how he would be since he's been sick. More on that later. Then Sam took me to Zaxby's a chicken place similar to Guthrie's. We were in a hurry to make it to the movie. We watched Madegascar....not sure how to spell it but it was funny. Another movie with adult jokes that kids will still enjoy.
Then off to walmart to spend my birthday money..thanks abby & mom/dad. I had $20 & decided to get what I wanted...nail polish, flip flops-yes flips flops. & some sleeping pants!!! Yeah-that was fun! Then we went to get the munchkin. He was sleeping after a crying jag. Poor nana sue. When we got home there was strawberry cobbler & homemade ice cream waiting. I was spoiled today. Thank God for family & friends.
Well this has been the best day in a long time! I needed it after this long month! Thanks for all the cards & phone calls. Emails, etc. You all made it special! (26th)
Posted by native-nc at 11:32 PM 4 comments
Vanilla Ice Cream
Posted by native-nc at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Strawberry Cobbler
Posted by native-nc at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Swollen lips
Posted by native-nc at 4:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 26, 2005
And the winner is.....
Ok this isn't about American Idol...Go carrie, Go Bo. I think they will both do very well & deserved to win. I pretty much knew it would be Carrie that won.
What I was refering to was the doctors reaction to Justus' lips. He thought it might be chicken pox, shingles, or hand/mouth/foot disease...Yuk that sounds so gross. All of the above are viruses. The doctor even brought in a colleague to look at Js mouth. This made me worry some.
I told them I thought it was fever blisters, b/c I had one as a result of sun poisoning from the 3on3 tourney a few weeks ago. Justus has started slapping as a new addition to his temper tantrums. I think he must have gotten this from me. :(
Yes, we are working on the whole tantrum thing. "Terrible two's", I don't think so. Kids want to be independent & can't talk yet so they do whatever necessary to get your attention. We try to focus on the good, & deal with the bad as it comes. And OH it comes! I love my baby! God must be sure I need more patience.
We went to Walmart & go Justus prescription, the doctor said it might make him cranky. What does he think I've been dealing with this month??? We've been to the doc once a week this month! Ear infection, shots, fever blisters, etc. Oh, don't forget the sore throat/fever day. Sorry if you get tired of my list of woes. But there's no one else to talk to.
I do appreciate all the advice & comments that let me know I'm not at all alone. It's nice to know someone cares! Having said that please pray for my sis, she has post pardom depression. And needs God to help change her situation. Well I'm off to catch up with all of you & see what's up in your life. Much Love---Tiff
Posted by native-nc at 7:23 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Posted by native-nc at 11:20 AM 1 comments
Posted by native-nc at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Better Days
Posted by native-nc at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Fever Blisters :(
Posted by native-nc at 10:37 AM 16 comments
Monday, May 23, 2005
The weekend update:
For some reason I don't like weekends much anymore. Could it be that yet again Justus & Sam were sick this weekend??? Perhaps. Or could it be that they're just so stinkin busy?? All in all it was a good weekend, even when I threatened to pull out Justus hair when I ran out of my own! Having two sickies at the same time isn't fun! Especially when one of them is Sam. If you're husband has ever been sick you know exactly what I mean.
We were planning on painting the living room to try & convert it to bedroom for Justus but when he woke up Sat, AM with 102 temp. I pretty much knew that idea was busted. He whined & cried all day. He was up from 7am to Midnight with only a thirty minute nap in between. Not the typical day for any of us. We tried it all but it didn't work. .....
The next day we knew why, when Sam came down with the same thing. He went to first service at the church & then came home. Justus appeared to be doing better but sam didn't feel so good. At the last minute we decided to go to 2nd service anyways. It was not exactly torture but the last half hour I was hoping that our pastor would hurry it up.
We came home & layed down for a while and then we had lunch. The missions team did a fundraiser to make money for Guatemala..wish I could go. Maybe next year! We had bbQ chicken & pork, slaw, beans & strawberry shortcake. It was very good!
Sunday PM was our missions banquet, I went but only stayed for ten minutes. By that time Sams fever had spiked & he had the chills. He of course came home and slept. Justus & I went rounds until about 9pm when he finally settled down. Sam said he had a migraine headache & massive sore throat. I'm guessing this was the source of Justus' pain for the past 2 days. Poor Sam & Justus!
Sam decided he was still going to work today. I tried to talk him out of it but he's is stubborn just like me. He came home two hours later when the room started spinning. Back to bed for my poor baby! Justus slept 3 hours this was nice so Sam could get some much needed sleep and I had some much needed quiet time. Its been several days of no fun but I think we're on our way to recovery! Thank Jesus!!!!
Also, I opened a new checking account to put the "extra" money in. That way we won't have cash laying around to tempt us & I'll be less likely to pull it out of the second account. I am saving quarters right now & won't put any more money in the second account until I have $100 more. I'm praying no emergency's come up that will sway me from that goal. I have about $60 in quarters. Thanks for all your ideas, for the most part saving it seemed like the least fun but smartest way to go!
Posted by native-nc at 10:23 PM 1 comments
Posted by native-nc at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Jake & Brandon
Posted by native-nc at 12:30 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 20, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
American Idol & other nonsense
I agree that Vonzel was the one ot go home last night! She is a very pretty girl with a great voice but, can't be compared with Bo or Carrie. Personally I hope that Bo wins...we'll just have to wait & see. Carrie is good to but, Bo is awesome!
Bethany & Jaiden stopped by after a doctors visit, they are both doing fine. Jaiden is still in the crazy eye phase so I won't post pics unless he is asleep. It is so amazing how fast babies grow, I can tell Jaiden is already getting bigger, the car seat is starting to look smaller.
I discovered that Justus has thrush today. It's white stuff on the tongue, and inside of cheeks & lips. He only has on his lips & the tip of the tongue. It doesn't hurt but lok yucky & won't go away on it's own. There are two causes: leaving milk sitting in their mouths when they fall asleep, and as a result of antibiotics. Justus got it from meds taken for his ear infections.
I now have $100 saved! Sam doesn't know about it...sssssshhhhhhhhhh! This is a miracle b/c Sam only gets paid once a month so by the end of the month we're scrounging up loose change. Ya'll know what I mean. Now the problem is how to spend it...go visit a friend, try to save more for our 5th anniversary in Sept., both our birthdays are coming up this summer. Or we could go to walmart and buy whatever we wanted for groceries instead of using "the list". Don't worry I'm not voting for that one. So any suggestions?
Posted by native-nc at 3:09 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Sam & the afterschool gang
Posted by native-nc at 4:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 16, 2005
Shots :(
Today was shot day for Justus. Kids get a million shots before the age of two. Last time Sam left the room and made me hold Justus for 4 shots, so this time I made him do it. That is my least favorite thing to do. (Doctors office). Give me a poopy diaper any day! Really I'm glad he gets most of the shots now so he won't remember when he get older. He is all caught up until Kindergarten.
The doctor checked Justus out, made sure we were brushing teeth, reading to him, and all that good stuff. Justus is 33" tall and almost 26 pounds! They say that he is heavier & taller than most kids his age but nothing out of proportion. I also asked about J's walking. His legs look a little bo legged to me & he walks with his toes pointed slightly in (pigeon toed). The doctor said it is pretty normal & he should grow out of it before he is 2. It doesn't bother J, he runs around like a mad man.
Also he may have to get tubes put in his ears, I'm not convinced it's need but we'll have to wait & see if he gets any more ear infections. Truly, it was painful for us all! Gotta go. 24 is on in 3 minutes. If you ever get a chance watch for a few weeks. You just might get addicted!
Posted by native-nc at 11:57 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Look at that fro!
Posted by native-nc at 2:09 AM 2 comments
YUK, sweaty boys!
Posted by native-nc at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Pics at the 3 on 3 tourney. (Before my battery we
Posted by native-nc at 1:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Sun glasses
Posted by native-nc at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 13, 2005
Funny! Priscilla & I went to see a movie tonight. We bought chic-fil-a sandwiches & brought them in with us to the theater. The movie was so funny. It had a lot of humor, we laughed a lot. The comedian Wanda Sykes was in the movie & she has a pretty foul mouth. That was the only down side. No actual sex scene, but a few suggestions that something had happened. All in all I liked it.
Stack, I saw Jeremy. He's the youth pastor at SCF now; pretty sure I told you already. Anyways he looks the same. Still pretty skinny, long curly hair. It wasn't as weird as I thought it might be. Call me if this doesn't make sense. I can't remember what all I've told you.
Keep praying for no rain on Saturday !!!!! Thanks!
Posted by native-nc at 11:13 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Sam took Justus to the church tonight so I was able to watch TV uninterupted for two hours. Maybe this sounds selfish & maybe a waste of time but it was so nice. Me & mom watched survivor together bad for Karyn! I think Tom should go. He's getting a little to pushy for my taste. My guess is that he was as good as gone, until he won immunity. Can't wait for sunday. I never can guess who will win. Guess that's why I like it so much. I am a reality freak as well as the rest of you. Like-big brother, the barkers, RR & RW, and many other shows that I probably should not be watching. I could say I'm working on it but that wouldn't be the complete truth. I also watched CSI tonight. It used to be one of my favorites but is slowly losing its touch. Anyone agree? Right now my favorite that I absolutely cannot miss is fox's 24! I always lose track of time and get lost in what is going to happen next. Mom got me hooked on this one. The season finalle is coming up soon. Can't wait to see what happens! Maybe I'm just a TV freak, thinking about it right now I know that it takes up way to much of my time, mainly in the evenings after Sam gets home from work. `````````122223333311111122``````````` Oops, I just noticed some food on the keyboard I was trying to get it off. Guess that's it for tonight. I have to go read about the lives of others.
Posted by native-nc at 10:18 PM 3 comments
Just dreaming...
Every once in a while I think about what it will be like to have my own house. Right now it is basically impossible but with God all things are possible so I have reason to hope! I am trying to learn as much as I can so that when the time comes I won't be completely in the dark. There is a lot to learn! I was looking on the Fannie Mae website yesterday, there is tons of info. They also have a link of houses for sale, one house on the corner here in my parents neighborhood is less than $100,000! The houses here are pretty cheap compared to Florida, and many other places too! I guess I will just keep learning, dreaming, and hoping for the day when it is possible.
About life around here, well it's been pretty fun the past couple of days. Justus has kept me busy picking up clothes and toys up off the floor. He likes to pull everything out & just go crazy. Today he had underwear on his head and had pulled down two armfulls of clothes off the hangars! AHHHHHHH....I popped his leg and said no, while at the same time trying not to laugh. I don't want to hang up laundry all day long but he is so cute and knows just when to make a face. Right now he is pulling things off of the desk while I try to write.
This weekend is the basketball 3 on 3 and yesterday they forecast rain. YUK!!! Please pray that it will hold off. Sam has put a lot effort into getting everything ready. He has big expectations, as usual. Any money we make will go toward youth camp, we have lots of single parents who need some help. We'll see how it goes. This is only one of many activities for the summer but, it is a good start on getting our name out in the community; especially to youth kids! There is lots of potentiel!
Posted by native-nc at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
Keys to my heart
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
Posted by native-nc at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 08, 2005
America's Next Top Model?
Posted by native-nc at 4:46 PM 0 comments
So grown up
Posted by native-nc at 4:38 PM 3 comments
The passy catcher.
Posted by native-nc at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by native-nc at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Happy Mother's Day!
Posted by native-nc at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Weekend update
Last night we went to "uptown" Salisbury. MOst of you probably remember a little of it from MC days they were having bands playing, a car show, & space bounces for the kids. We met my sis, her kids & husband at "Spanky's", the ice cream shop on the corner. The firetrucks were there for the kids to look at, so Justus & I took a pic. Haven't put it on the computer yet, but I'll try to post it soon. Brandon wanted to jump on the space bounce that looked like a dinosour so we put him in. Then Justus wanted to try but as soon as he got in another "big" kid got in and ran into Justus, so he cried & wanted to get out. In all went spent abput two hours just walking and talking with Beth, Joey and the kids. It was nice to get out together! We plan to go together again for Farmers Day when the kids can dance in the street and there are other activities for them.
Tonight was the Mother/daughter luau, it was pretty fun. My friend Priscilla went with me & we wore grandma Hawaiin shirts that Sam bought at the thrift. My sis, mom, & second mom sue were there too. And baby Jaiden. He still sounds like he is breathing funny to me but Bethany says it's an improvement from the other day. The mens ministy sponsored the Luau so the cooked and cleaned. All we had to do was decorate, that wasn't so bad. One of the youth guys took pics, so it will be a while before yoy get to see our granny shirts.
Tommorrow we are picking up lunch from Bojangle's, a kick butt chicken place. Again, not so healthy but at least we won't have to cook lunch! That will be a nice break for my mom, she cooks most of the meals around here. Dad still hasnt gotten around to hooking up our stove downstairs. Oh, well maybe one day!
Thanks for tuning in to this addition of the weekend you all!
Posted by native-nc at 11:27 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 06, 2005
What my birthday means.
I generally agree with this discription of myself, what do you think?
Your Birthdate: May 27 |
Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path. Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by yourself to rest and meditate. There is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do. This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative. You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends. You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return. |
Posted by native-nc at 1:04 PM 0 comments
One big scare, many thankful hearts
Today my sister took baby Jaiden to the doctors office, he caught a cold from his bro & sis. And was having trouble breathing on his own. That wasn't so good especially since he had some trouble breathing when he was born. When the his doctor was checking him she decided to bring in a pediatric specialist who said he should go to the emergency room immediately. He was is respitory distress. And could stop breathing at any time. The doctor actually rode in the car with my sister & parked her car in case something happen & so she could go directly to the ER. My poor sis must have been scared out of her mind! They took several test & xrays. The doctor ordered a breathing treatment.
Here comes the good part, before the xrays even got back Jaiden was breathing find on his own!!!!!! Isn't God amazing! This could have been a very long day but, God saved us the trouble & gave us a miracle- a healed little baby Jaiden. Please keep him in your prayers! They will be monitoring him more regularly & closer now.
Justus is doing much better now than he has in past few days, in fact he was up bright & early this AM at 6:30. Not my ideal time for waking up- I prefer 9ish. He didn't take a nap until 11, I'm not complaining though- he didn't whine at all!
This weekend is our Mother/daughter luau, that should be interesting, I don't have anything to wear yet. I need a Hawiaan shirt or something loud to wear. Hopefully I can squeeze in a trip to the thrift! HMMMMMMM...wonder if sam has something ridiculous I could wear. If its anything to outrageous I'll post a pic.
Posted by native-nc at 12:36 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
I'm glad Scott is finally off American Idol!!!!! America made the right decision. It wouldn't have hurt my feelings if Anthony had left with him. I guess it is better that he not have to leave on his birthday though!
Posted by native-nc at 9:59 PM 3 comments
I'm this kind of puppy?
You Are a Chihuahua Puppy |
![]() Small, high strung, and loyal. You do best in the city with a adults - young kids could crush you! |
Very facinating...
Posted by native-nc at 4:44 PM 0 comments
My sleeping sickie.
Posted by native-nc at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Kicking & screaming
Well this day has been no more fun than the past 4. We took Justus to the doctor today, poor kid has double ear infection. No wonder he screamed all day long on Monday. Most of my day has been trying to keep Justus comfortable & it hasn't worked all that well, even with tylenol and other medications I can tell that he is still in pain. Only one more hour until he can have more meds. Hopefully we will all get a good nights rest tonight! Please pray for my little one & also for my sanity! Yesterday he cried so much that I ended up crying with him. I would much rather have puke & diarahea than all this noise! On a happy note I did get to see my sister & baby Jaiden today. They both look like they are doing well! I am hoping to be able to go to church on Wed., I need to get out of the house!
Posted by native-nc at 1:20 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 02, 2005
Fighting the pillow snake.
Posted by native-nc at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Good Riddance!
I decided not to take Justus to church today & it turned out to be a wise decision. For the most part he was OK & we played most of the day. However we did have two "blowouts" leading me to believe that he's not quite over this bug. Thankfully tommorrow is a new day & hopefully the bug can move on to someone else. Preferably not Sam or me! I say "good riddance!" ps Not really sure how this is supposed to be spelled but, that's how I saw it printed one time(good riddance). Also please keep my entire family in prayer, the enemy is hard at work.
Posted by native-nc at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Sick :(
Well the puking stopped but the sickness didn't. We've had several "blowouts" here at the Adams home today & through it all Justus has managed to stay in somewhat a good mood. All I can say is that we've used lots of diapers & sam had to make a run to walmart for wipes. Enough said, right? No church tommorrow, don't want any moms mad at me. We'll make a trip to the doctor on Monday if things aren't cleared up by then. So for now it's more pedialyte & whatever little bit of food J will eat.
Posted by native-nc at 2:16 AM 1 comments